Barleygreen: Superfortified Whole Food
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 Nutrition is the Answer!


We've created this web site to assist you in your search for Whole Foods and Natural Remedies. Included are specifics on AIM Whole Foods Supplements combined with General Dietary Guidelines and Weightloss Tips.

Use AIM products to give yourself a solid foundation for health.
Whole body health results when ALL body systems are in balance. No single body system is targeted,choices that keep all systems toxin-free;supply all systems with opti-mum nutrition. The result is TOTAL WELLNESS: waking up every day feeling great!
AIM Barleygreen provides the nutrition you need to develop a strong foundation for your good health.
Barley grass is one of the green grasses; the only vegetation on earth that can supply sole nutritional support from birth to old age. Agronomists place this ancient cereal grass as being cultivated as early as 7000 B.C.E., probably in the dry lands of southwestern Asia.
In the West, barley grass was first known for the bar-ley grain it produces; there is written mention of the grain as early as 2800 B.C.E. in Babylon.
Before green grasses undergo the reproductive cycle that creates the grains, they are in the grass stage, and
the grasses contain about the same vitamins and minerals
as dark green vegetables.
When grasses are harvested at a young age, they have a different chemical makeup from their adult counterparts. When these grasses are juiced and concentrated, as
AIM Barleygreen is, they are far superior nutritionally.

For example,...
ac-cording to the U.S. Department of Agricultures Nutrient Database, barley contains 22 International Units (IUs) of vitamin A per 100 g and barley flour contains no vitamin A.
AIM Barleygreen however,
contains 26,800 IU per 100 g. To use another example, barley contains 33 mg of calcium per 100 g and barley flour contains 32 mg of calcium per 100 g. AIM Barleygreen contains 311 mg of calcium per 100 g.
You can see, then, that grasses, when juiced and con-centrated like AIM Barleygreen offer us great nutrition.
Barley grass is considered the most nutritional of
the green grasses.

Lifestyle and Cardio Health
The December 1,1999,issue of JAMA is devoted to Cardiovascular disease
It states that dietary habits and lifestyle are far more important than
 Medical breakthroughs. Journal of the American Medical Association 282, no.21(December 1, 1999)


The complete "Whole Body" Health line
consists of the "AIM GARDEN TRIO"
Ask About Health Professional Support Series:
AIM Barleygreen

"Wisdom of the Past, Food of the Future"




(734) 284-5139

Despite their importance, most people do not
get the enzymes they need.
 This is because heat destroys enzymes,
and most of our foods
are heated and the enzymes de-stroyed.
Dr. Hagiwara believes that there may be
thousands of active enzymes in
green barley.
This be-lief is based on tests that use
the enzyme superoxide
dismutase (SOD) as a marker enzyme.
If the marker enzyme is found in an
active state, it can be safely assumed
that other enzymes
found in green grasses will also
be in an active state.

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Green barley leaves contain a multitude
of the bodys spark plugs, enzymes.
Enzymes are the catalysts for the bodies
essential chemical reactions and are
re-sponsible for our digestive processes,
for providing cellular energy, and
for antioxidant effects.


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